Sunday, May 22, 2016


Bug and I saw Zootopia at the Lexington Venue. It was so small that we sat in hot front row and didn't have to look up. It was quaint in a way that a modern megaplex with powered reclining seats and the latest sound system will never replicate. The theater didn't change my view of the film in anyway. It was just a nice place to see a film.
Zootopia itself was nice. As with all Pixar films, the animation and voice acting were top notch. Pixar doesn't do bad production quality. That does not mean their movies are always great; Pixar did make all of the Cars movies.....
Zootopia is not Cars. It is one of their truly great movies. The story was fun and fast paced, but covered a lot of moral ground. It is a caper that manages to provide serious commentary on bigotry, race relations, police profiling, and other social ills. It is seriously funny for both adults and children. It does not play down to the kids, but it does make some jokes that only an adult would get.
Bug thought Zootopia was engaging and funny as well. She and I both liked it better than Inside Out. Bug did not, however, find it better than Frozen or Tangled.
Zootopia, while great, is not as great as the classics like Toy Story, Up, or Wall-e. It lacked some of the emotional depth of the those films. It also feels a little too wedded to current events. It will be interesting to see how it ages.
What Zootopia lacks in emotional depth it makes up for in social commentary. It is a worthy trade off for an early summer movie.

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