Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kick Ass

I've had Kick Ass on my list of movies to see for ever. The opportunity finally popped up last weekend. H was too pooped to argue and it was on Netflix.
I was prepared to be disappointed, but was pleasantly surprised. It was pretty awesome. The characters, visuals, acting, and action were great. I liked the origins of the title character. I particularly liked Hit Girl.
The weakest part of the story was the love story. I found it unbelievable even for a movie about super heroes. I know every super hero needs a girl, but a little effort could have been made to make it work.

Baby Backpacking with Kelty

H's cousin gave us a used Kelty Journey when bug entered the scene. Until recently, we'd been using either a stroller or carrying bug in a Baby Borne when we'd go on walks. Then I pulled the Kelty out of the basement because the Baby Borne was wrecking my old, chair conditioned back.
The Journey looks like a serious back pack with the storage compartment converted into a chair. We didn't have instructions, so figuring the harness system out was a challenge. Once you figure the straps out it makes perfect sense and they keep the passenger snug, but comfortable.
With the technical hurdles overcome, the real challenge was seeing how bug, and I, did on an actual walk... We started small with a walk around the neighborhood. Bug liked it a lot. She was able to see stuff and move around a little better. My back liked the Kelty much better than the Baby Borne. The weight is well distributed.
We've taken out two more times since then. We did a 5k charity walk that was most fun. Today we did a short hike that was marred by mosquitoes. On both occasions the Kelty did excellent. Bug likes hanging out in it and my back is much happier!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chuck Anticipation

I'm psyched that Chuck is getting one more, albeit shortened, season. It is a fun, action comedy and the central characters—Chuck, Sara, and Casey—are interesting. You want them to succeed and be happy. The rest of the cast makes a nice back drop, as long as they don't get too much air time.
I thought the season finally was, although predictable, excellent. It showed Chuck's growth in terms of self-confidence and skills, it resolved the Volkoff storyline, and tied up the family issues. I also liked that it set up the next season for big changes.
The one concern I have, and it was one of the things that bothered me all season, was the expansion of Morgan's role. As the slacker friend in the first few seasons he was a nice comic side-kick. This season his position as "team member" put him on screen too much, and his role is set up to be even bigger next season.
It many ways Morgan is just a delayed version of Chuck. Adding a second Chuck into the mix cannot be a good idea. It will either distract from the main arc of Chuck's development or be just an easy way to keep fall back on previously trodden territory.
I hope the writers can find a way to keep the story focused on the central trio. I imagine there is a way Morgan can be integrated into the story and his status elevated such that he enhances the central narrative. I just hope the writers pull it off.

Easy A

The highly rated teen drama staring the highly regarded Emma Stone makes Hester Prynn a web caster - sort of. It is a neat idea to update the classic in a respectful manner without a naked Demi Moore. Sadly, Easy A is not the film to do it.
Emma Stone's performance is strong and the supporting performances by her character's family member are perfect. The film does deal with the issue of character assassination and false piety, but it gets lost along the way. There is the whole rumors running wild conceit, the whole being infamous has a dark side conceit, and the whole be true to yourself conceit. They all have a place, but in this case I found that they detracted from the main thrust of the story.
The writing and humor was well delivered, so it is a watchable movie. It was definitely an OK Saturday Netfilx film.