Bug has surprisingly eclectic tastes. For movie night, she asked for a non-fiction movie. For movie night, I pick up three DVDs at the library and we choose as a group. Since there was a request for non-fiction, I got March of the Penguins. For the other two choices I selected Snow White and My Neighbor Totoro. I thought that Totoro looked interesting, but was going to be a passed over in favor of penguins. I was pretty sure the Bug wouldn't pick it as her choice, and was pretty sure that H would vote for anything else.When presented with the choices, Bug choose Totoro. H decided to abstain. I was shocked and pleased. It was my first choice.My Neighbor Totoro is a Japanese animated movie by Hayao Miyazaki. Miyazaki is a genius whose other films include Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away. His films differ from typical American animated films in much the same way the European films differ from American films. They are not as in your face or fast paced. They take their time to develop and the animation is muted while still epic. I thought that this would be a problem or Bug, who is used to American entertainment. I was happy to be proven wrong.
When the weird shit does happen, it is beautiful and touching.The girls need a friend and the world provides.
I think it was a great film.