Thursday, March 11, 2010


Pandorum joins the ranks of in space no one can hear you scream sci-fi horror flicks. It has many of the standard elements: man ruins earth, man attempts to escape doom by fleeing to deep space, a horrible accident, mutated humanoids on a killing spree, a plucky hero, a misfit band of side kicks, ect. Because of the familiar feel of the story and the high production quality, Pandorum holds it own. It is not great like Space Odyssey, Moon, Silent Running, or Alien. Nor is it as terrible as Predator 2 or the AVP movies. It is somewhere between Event Horizon and Sunshine. Not as scary as Event Horizon and not as smart as Sunshine.
Many of the themes underpinning the stories are the same. How does the human mind hold up in deep space? Can mankind rise above its inherent flaws? Is there hope for a better tomorrow? Will the hero win and will he get the girl?
The plot is serviceable. (Miles better than Avatar) It moves along at a good pace and maintains the tension. I was never terrified, but was never entirely sure what was going to happen. The final reveal is good. The ending is predictable.
Pandorum is a solid movie. I'm glad I didn't pay $10 for it, but would not have felt ripped off if I had.

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