Sunday, November 27, 2011

Keurig Must Die!

Keurig is evil. They prey upon people's laziness to foist bad, over priced coffee on us. To make it even worse, their k-cups pile up in landfills where what ever comes after humanity will find them and be amazed at how primitive and backwards we were.
It is easy to make good single cups of coffee cheaply and without so much waste. Use a French press or a single cup filter. It tastes better and is better for the planet. As an added bonus, you will be forced to sit back and relax for a few minutes while your coffee brews.


  1. I don't think you have to use a k-cup. I think you can get a filter and still brew your coffee (the coffee _you_ want) to be able to relax _with_ that cup of coffee (or tea). It is the cost of the thing that is causing me to create ore coffee than I need with my auto-drip.

  2. I have seen the reusable K-cup inserts. They do appear to overcome many of my objections.
