Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Funny thing happened on the way home from school today

I was sitting at a light, behind a white work van of some type as there were ladders and tools in the back. Just sitting there, getting ready to turn right when the light changed...then a man opened the passenger side door of the white van and spit a few times. Of course, I was like "oouuuhhh, gross". But then he began to vomit! And vomit. And vomit. Again I was like "gross!" but kept on watching. Then the light turned green. The van began to creep slowly forward but the man kept the door open and threw up some more. And I kept on watching. I slowly made my right turn but managed to see the van go straight with the man puking on the street. It did look like the van was going to turn into the Bickford's parking lot which I was thankful for. But then I was so intrigued with the fact that I was fixated on watching this person throw up repeatedly, from a moving van, even as I was making a turn. Why? It struck me as very odd to see this image at 3:30 on the afternoon on a weekday. I wouldn't be so surprised if it was at night or even on a weekend. So, then I began thinking of reasons why this man was sick. Was he starting his weekend really early? Did he and the boys have too many beers at lunch break? Or was he just sick with a stomach bug...

1 comment:

  1. He could have drunk a large cup of hazelnut coffee while chewing wintergreen gum. I did that once several years ago while I was driving from Rochester to Boston on i-90. It was the middle of the afternoon. I had just had a HUGE cup of rest stop hazelnut coffee. I figured I would follow up with a stick of the Wintergreen gum my mom gave me before I left.

    Suddenly – about 4 minutes after I started chewing I felt like I was going to be violently ill. Somehow I managed to pull the car over to the side of the road (dangerous considering I was going 80mph). in time. I opened my door and got violently sick. It all came out in bout of puking that took about 2 minutes. I thought I was going to die. But after the episode I felt 100% better, shut the door, and went on my merry way. All systems normal….no problems for the rest of the trip. I can’t stand the taste of wintergreen gum anymore though.
