Saturday, November 7, 2015

Inside Out

Heather and Kenzie insisted that I see Inside Out. They also decided we needed to own it. Despite being months behind on my Wittertainment, I knew that the good Dr. thought it was good enough to win best picture, so I didn’t put up much of a fight.
I'm not sure about it being best picture material, but it was a good movie. The animation was Pixar at its best. The story managed to work for both adults and kids. It also managed to be funny without sacrificing depth.
I found the emotions engaging, but found Joy annoying. The funny thing was that not liking Joy made the ending work better for me. It also made the movie more brilliant. At least for me at Riley's age, I was more sadness than joy. That period in life was all about finding the joy amid the turmoil.
So, best picture? Maybe. It was one of the best movies I have seen this year.