I like the trend towards sci-fi that is more than cool effects. District 9, as has been discussed, deals with how people treat the unwanted others. We dehumanize them to justify our mistreatment of them.
Overall, I thought the movie was well done. I liked the fact that it was done in the style of a news report with commentary tossed into the mix.
There were a few things that weakens the movie:
The final half of the movie decends into little more than an action film. The main character's behavior is erradic and his sudden change of heart is difficult to swallow.
The narrative leaves too much about the Prawns unexplained. Why can't they fix the ship? Was it just out of gas? Are the majority of Prawns simple workers and the one smart Prawn the boss? Why don't the Prawn use their superior weapons and physical strength to fight their oppression? Is there a millitant Prawn group resisting their treatment?
Despite the flaws, District 9 is a movie worth seeing. It is a refreshing change from Transformers and GI Joe.